Wednesday, April 29, 2015

'Lil Kim Is Pissed

   North Korea's Kim Jung Un, aka Sum Dum Fuk, apparently was very pissed with 15 members of his inner circle. So pissed, in fact, he had them executed. South Korea's spy agency says it stems from their challenging Kim's authority. One had the audacity to complain about state policy, and it seems 4 others, members of the state orchestra where 'Lil Kim's wife performed as a singer were also shot.
   Makes you wonder if they were complaining Kimmy's Mrs sounded like Yoko Ono. As for the others, you kinda wonder if they were offed after spilling the beans about Kim 'climbing' the highest peak in the North (see post below).
   Whatever the case, if old numbnuts keeps killing his own people, he'll be the "great successor" to fuck all.
   'Nuff said.

Monday, April 20, 2015

'Lil Kim Climbs A Biiiig Mountain

   Kim Jun Un (aka Sum Dum Fuk) this past weekend, according to North Korean media (who credit for the above photo's must go), along with a team of air force fighter pilots, "climbed" the highest mountain in the North. That'd be the 9 thousand foot  Mt. Paektu, a volcano that straddles their border with China.
   You can't see the support team in the above photos, but there were literally dozens of them. And that helped further smash my image of Kim.
   I mean, here I was thinking 'lil Kim bravely fought the elements as he pushed onward, steadily onward striving for his goal. The "great" successor also, at first blush, must've made the ascent wearing his Sunday best. I can see him now, doggedly placing one foot in front of the other, heedless of the 2 or 3 inches of snow gripping his heels, making him want to give up the quest.
   But no! Not Kim. He persevered, and with one last great push, made his way into the Sikorsky sky-crane helicopter used to boost his fat ass to the summit. I'm sure the wind blowing through his hair on the photo on the left was created by the down-blast of the rotors.
   But seriously, does anyone in North Korea believe this horse-shit? I don't think Kim's capable of waddling up a garden path, let alone climb a mountain. Even with dozens of people shoving that lard-bottom upward.
   It's just too fucking bad they didn't leave the little asshole up there.
   'Nuff said.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I Hope Not

   To a foreigner, any other country's money looks odd. Especially to an American coming to Canada. We have multi-coloured polymer notes ranging from 5 to 100 bucks, and each with a different colour, background and foreground. In fact, the mint not too long ago rolled out the 5 dollar bill
   Just recently, the mint also did away with the penny, something I fully support. But now there's word the newly updated and released 5-spot could also be pulled from the market in favour of a 5 dollar coin
   Something I don't think I'm in favour of. We already have 1 and 2 dollar coins

   Along with the nickel, dime and quarter. How fucking much change do we need bogging us down? And how big would women's purses need to be to haul that around? I guess the only possible benefit would be weight training.
   And what about the 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollar notes? How big would these be? The size of manhole covers?!? Stay with the bill, and don't saddle us with another coin.
   Not that it would make much difference to me. I never carry cash.
   'Nuff said.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter

   To all my "peeps", Happy Easter!
   And honestly, I haven't forgotten about you all, I've been excessively busy, and haven't really had the time to post much the past few weeks. Keep checking in, though. I'm hoping work backs off a bit, and I'll be able to have more for you.
   'Nuff said.