Thursday, January 29, 2015

Oh, Please!!

   Yep! Justin Bieber's at it again. So, what did the 20 year old punk-ass do this time? Piss in a restaurant kitchen? No. Get slapped by Orlando Bloom again? No, not that either. So what did he do, anyway?
   Apparently, he APOLOGIZED! The little scuzz-ball has released a video, where he claims his "acting out" over the past 18 months or so was to "cover up" his real feelings. Cough (bullshit) cough! He went on to 'explain' that his acting as a class-1 asshole was a defence mechanism, to against growing up in the public eye, and isn't a true reflection of who he is.
   Again, cough (bullshit) cough. I think it's due to the fact that he's pissed his way through most of his bankroll, and needs to get back in the good graces with his teeny-bopper fans to bilk them out of more of mommy and daddy's hard earned cash.
   It's said a leopard can't change his spots. In this case, I just don't believe Beebs can change. At least, not until he's back in the news for something else.
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Shot Down

   U.S retail giant Target stores opened in Canada just about 2 years ago. Today, the company announced all 133 will be closed, since they don't expect to turn a profit until 2021. And not too many people will be crying over this either. Target set themselves up for a fall when they moved here. It seems they didn't do their homework when it came to Canadians and how they shopped. It is different than Americans.
   Then, there's location, location, location. They took over Zellers stores which, by themselves, were not the best. I know of at least one store that needed massive renovations before Target could open. And in a lot of markets, Zellers was on it's deathbed. But Target did nothing to improve what had happened with Zellers. Shelves were bare, what was on the shelves was not competitively priced with their main rival Walmart, nor even with the U.S stores. And customer service was a joke. Is it any wonder they failed so epically?
   Even now that they're heading back south of the 49th, the closure is going to cost Target dearly. Shutting down those expensively purchased locations will be done under court supervision. The company expects to lose 500 to 600 MILLION dollars shutting things up. And that includes severance for the nearly 18 thousand employees. They'll be getting 16 weeks salary as compensation.
   Now the big question is who is going to take over the stores? I think we can safely rule out a return of Zellers (even though I liked the food they served in their restaurants). In fact, I don't see any big box company on the horizon willing to take the same risk Target did and move in to the vacated stores.
   I guess Target's aim was off. They sure missed the bull's-eye.
   'Nuff said

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

What A Joke

   That about sums things up in this country when it comes to the Youth Criminal Justice Act. And it's unequal for the victims of crime committed by young offenders (to be hereon known in this post as Little Criminal Bastards, or LCB's).
   The media is prohibited from naming LCB's, which the act declares as persons under the age of majority (18). It also has less harsh penalties for LCB's (example: 3 years maximum for murder, depending on circumstances) than anyone over 18. And if an LCB does commit a crime, but is tried and sentenced after 18, the name still can't be released.
   I bring this up, because I heard on the news today that two 16 year old boys were arrested for killing a 16 year old girl in Western Canada, and charged with 1st degree murder. Which the LCB's will likely have reduced to 2nd degree, and plead out to manslaughter. Meaning before they're 20, they'll be back on the street, likely doing more crime.
   The Youth Criminal Justice Act serves no one but convicted young offenders, because they know they can get away with just about anything without paying any real consequences. It's time our politicians stopped mollycoddling these LCB's, and quit giving them a slap on the wrist and a stern "don't do it again" before they get out and do it again. What's needed here is for our lawmakers to grow a set, and crack down on LCB's. I agree that you can't put them in an "adult" prison, but there's no reason why Jimmy or Judy can't be held in a juvenile jail till they turn 18 and can be slapped in with the big boys and girls. And while we're at it M.P's, how about re-instating the Death Penalty for capital crimes?
   Yeah, like any of this is going to happen any time.
   'Nuff said

Friday, January 9, 2015

A Tragic Week In Paris

  As you probably already know, at least 20 people have been killed after terror attacks at a French satirical weekly newspaper office, and a kosher market in Paris.
   It started Wednesday, when 12 people were ruthlessly gunned down at the office of Charlie Hebdo, and a policewoman was killed in another part of that city. Today, the 3 alleged gunmen were themselves killed by police in 2 separate raids, but not before 4 more innocents were slain by the hostage taker in the Paris market, apparently well before the whole thing ended.
   The catalyst for all this was a cartoon purporting to denigrate the prophet Muhammad. Actually, one of several published by the magazine, which was firebombed in 2011. 2 of the terrorists were brothers who were killed when police raided a printing business outside the French capital. They told authorities they wanted to "die as martyr's". The 3rd asshole said he'd kill his hostages inside the market if police tried to raid the first location. He's dead too.
   As for the first 2, you achieved one goal. You died. As martyrs? No. No 72 virgins for either of you. Or the one in the market. You didn't die as martyrs. You died as what you were in life. Useless pieces of shit.
   Of course, we now have to wait for the likely back-lash from this, where innocent Muslims are targeted just because they're Muslim. Followers of Islam that I'm friendly with are the first to condemn such atrocities. They say people like the 3 in Paris are not true followers, and should not be called Muslim. Unfortunately, it seems most of the terror attacks we hear about are done by people proclaiming to follow Islam.
   All this shit makes me glad I'm an atheist.
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

   We are off on our journey down 2015! I hope you all had a pleasant, peaceful New Years Eve. I know I did. I was in bed, sleeping by 10:00 last night, and did not ring in the new year.
   Truth be told, I haven't bothered to ring in the new year in about a decade. Why? 2 reasons. I'm not a 'party' person, and secondly, I just don't give a shit. Not that I'm anti-social, I simply don't care.
   If you are one of the many millions of people other than me who dies enjoy s good New Years Eve bash:  I hope it was a success.
   Now (if you imbibed a little too much) get some aspirin, and nurse that hang-over.
   'Nuff said.