Saturday, August 30, 2014


   And it's struck my favorite little tin-pot dictator Kim Jung Un, or as I call him, Sum Dum Fuk. Seems a high ranking bank official in the Peoples Republic of North Korea is trying to defect. The dude in question has vamoosed to Russia, and is trying to seek asylum in a 3rd country.
   The best part is not only did he vanish, but so did 5 million dollars, procured (according to the U.S.A) through illicit activities. Surprise, surprise. Needless to say 'lil Kim is pissed, and has asked Russia to help capture the guy. Who, like Kim's uncle, will likely be fed to the dogs if he's ever returned.
   The West would dearly love to talk to the guy, since he's got the inside skivvy on what goes on in the whack-a-doodle north.
   Good luck guy! I hope you evade the assassination squads little leader Fat Fuk will be sending out for you.
   'Nuff said.

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