Friday, August 22, 2014

Not For Me

   The Ice Bucket challenge. It's to raise money and awareness of ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease. You've no doubt seen it, and possibly taken part in the challenge, getting doused, as the name implies, with a bucket of ice water.
   There's no way in hell I'm doing it. Not even on a day when the mercury gets into the 100's (38 Celsius or over). And not because I don't support fundraising for ALS. I do. But I also don't think cold-shock therapy is the answer. Yes, it's got a lot of people talking about it, but there are those who could suffer adverse medical effects from the shock of being soaked. Frankly, when I do finally suffer a fatal heart attack, I'm hoping to not have it triggered by a dousing.
   'Nuff said.

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