Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I'm Sorry. We're You Talking To Me?

   So, the cast for the latest in the Star Wars trilogy has been announced. Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill and 3 others from the 'original' series are coming back for number 7. And they'll joined by (among others) Andy (better known as Gollum) Serkis and Max von Sydow.
   And I for one could care less. This latest of what's now become a never ending series of Star Bores films is set some 35 years after Return of the Jedi. Just what the 'plot' of this is going to be, no one has said. But from the age of some of the cast members it might just be on the planet Alzheimer in the galaxy of Dementia. And the light sabres will now closely resemble walkers. Or canes.
   I will freely admit I did see the first Star Wars movie when it came out. I even went to the 2nd one, which I walked out of about half-way through. As for the 3rd.....forget it. And the subsequent "prequels". Not a chance in hell.
   I know I'm in the minority on this one, but isn't it time George Lucas called a halt to the whole thing? I mean, does he really need any more money? Of course, with Disney doing a live action film, there's a chance it could be another turkey. Something like John Carter of Mars.
   One thing's certain; I will NOT be wasting my money on the 7th part of the 'trilogy'.
   'Nuff said

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