Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Give Me One, Or At Least The Cash Equivalent

   That's a Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport. It's worth as close to 2 million dollars as makes no difference. And guess who was GIVEN one. Yup! Justin Fucking Bieber. The V-16, 1001 horsepower, quad turbo powered car has been clocked at over 260 MILES an hour. And Beebs has been given one by his producer.
   You'd think with his history with supercars, the best that little piss wart should ever get is a Toyota Camray. No offense meant to Toyota. I'm almost willing to start taking bets on how long it takes him to rack up several speeding tickets.
   I just hope he doesn't wreck the thing. It is, after all, a piece of automotive technological perfection. Not that I give a crap about Beiber Shit. The tires alone are 50 thousand bucks per set.
   And before you start saying ol' Ratbag is just bitching 'cause he can't get one and no one would give him one, don't. I've managed quite well in more than 40 years of driving without a Bugatti. I think I can manage the remaining years just fine without as well.
   'Nuff said.

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