Friday, January 17, 2014

This Weak In "Entertainment"

   And a truly weak week it was. Lets start with Karaoke Night in America, or 'American Idol', as it's also known. Season 527 (actually 13) started, with the usual auditions and new judges. Well, newly returning judges at any rate. Nikki Minaj and Mariah Carey are both gone, Keith Urban stuck around. J-Lo is back, and Harry Connick Jr rounds out the panel.
   I admit I did watch season 2, but I've also avoided the rest like the plague. Apparently, the 'highlight' so far was the son of a season 1 3rd place finisher. From what I've heard, he's 15, and made I through to the 2nd round. Big fat hairy fucking deal. If that's all they got, then the show may (hopefully) end this year. Hopefully.
   Justin Beiber is back in the news again, for all the wrong reasons again. Seems cops in L.A are investigating after a neighbor had thousands of dollars damage done to his house after it was egged. It's not known if the little snot actually did it. I have a request for the LAPD. If and when you're called to the little shit's house for a disturbance again, feel free to shoot first and ask questions later.
   There were a few passing's of note as well. Russell Johnson, who played "The Professor" in Gilligan Island died at age 89. IN an interview several years ago, he said he wished he'd never taken the role, as his career never took off.
   Dave Madden, who played manager Ruben Kincaid in "The Partridge Family" also died at age 82. And the last female Munchkin from the 1939 classic "The Wizard of Oz", Ruth Robinson Duccini, died at age 95. Of the 124 original Munchkins, there's just 93 year old Jerry Maren left.
   RIP to all 3.
   'Nuff said.

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