Friday, January 10, 2014

Issues resolved!

   Whatever it was that was fucking up this blog new seems to be gone. So, I'm back! I still can't fully access some of the sites I usually troll for information, but at least I can blog again!
   And this time, I've got a question for Canada's 2 rail companies, CN and CP. Does all your rolling stock date back to the creation of your railways? Given what's been happening lately, I kinda wonder if it doesn't. I'm talking about the latest derailment in New Brunswick where 22 cars or so jumped the tracks. Some were loaded with crude oil, others with liquefied petroleum gas.
   And while the probe into exactly what happened is ongoing, preliminary investigations show a cracked wheel or axle, and damaged track. Again, this is just preliminary. And it's not just this derailment that's got me wondering WTF is going on either. There was the one in Quebec last year, plus the one in Calgary, Alberta which (in all fairness) was caused by the flooding they had.
   But to me it still points out the need for the railways to take a long, hard look at their infrastructure to see how old the rolling stock is, and just what condition the tracks are. Repairs and replacements would be astronomically high to be sure. But I'M also nearly as sure the feds would mandate such upgrades if a major catastrophe were to occur in a place like Montreal or Toronto.
   'Nuff said.

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