Friday, January 24, 2014

He Finally Got Caught

   My favorite impacted anal gland is back in the news again. This ingrown ass-hair finally got caught being the douche he is. Yup! Justin Beiber Busted in Florida for DUI, street racing and resisting arrest. Without violence. In addition to blowing .04 (which is apparently the legal limit for a 19 year old) Beebs admitted to having marijuana and prescription pills in his system. AND driving on an expired license from another State.
   While being arrested, and in direct violation of what cops ordered him to do, he took his hands off the Lambo he was driving at least twice. It's just too bad the cops didn't shoot him. At least taser or pepper spray him.
   Not surprisingly, he's out on bond waiting for his court appearance. I just hope they throw the little shit in jail. Then his song about wanting a boyfriend will come true! I'm sure there's more than one "Bubba" who'd like to make his tight end a wide receiver. If it already isn't.
   At least we can hope his "career" is over. And I also loved this, which a friend posted on facebook. Truer words were never spoken:
   Zeppelin RULES!!
   'Nuff said.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Justin Bieber Take Note

   KISS rocker Gene Simmons and his wife Shannon Tweed have made a substantial donation to a children's hospital being built in Saskatchewan. More specifically, Saskatoon, where Tweed grew up. The 450 thousand dollars was raised when Simmons sold his customized 1956 Ford F-100 pick-up at the Barrett-Jackson auction in Arizona.
   The previous record for an F-100 was 180 thousand, but given the modifications, and the fact it was owned by Simmons, and you can see why the price went so high. I was never a big fan of KISS, or Simmons "reality" show, but I did have the Playboy issue Tweed was in. Both the November 1981 issue, and the Playmate of the Year issue in 1982.
   But after this, I've gotta say a huge "Well Done" Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed. You've shown there is class out there in what's rapidly becoming a wasteland in music.
   Justin Beiber: Take notes on this you putz.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, January 17, 2014

This Weak In "Entertainment"

   And a truly weak week it was. Lets start with Karaoke Night in America, or 'American Idol', as it's also known. Season 527 (actually 13) started, with the usual auditions and new judges. Well, newly returning judges at any rate. Nikki Minaj and Mariah Carey are both gone, Keith Urban stuck around. J-Lo is back, and Harry Connick Jr rounds out the panel.
   I admit I did watch season 2, but I've also avoided the rest like the plague. Apparently, the 'highlight' so far was the son of a season 1 3rd place finisher. From what I've heard, he's 15, and made I through to the 2nd round. Big fat hairy fucking deal. If that's all they got, then the show may (hopefully) end this year. Hopefully.
   Justin Beiber is back in the news again, for all the wrong reasons again. Seems cops in L.A are investigating after a neighbor had thousands of dollars damage done to his house after it was egged. It's not known if the little snot actually did it. I have a request for the LAPD. If and when you're called to the little shit's house for a disturbance again, feel free to shoot first and ask questions later.
   There were a few passing's of note as well. Russell Johnson, who played "The Professor" in Gilligan Island died at age 89. IN an interview several years ago, he said he wished he'd never taken the role, as his career never took off.
   Dave Madden, who played manager Ruben Kincaid in "The Partridge Family" also died at age 82. And the last female Munchkin from the 1939 classic "The Wizard of Oz", Ruth Robinson Duccini, died at age 95. Of the 124 original Munchkins, there's just 93 year old Jerry Maren left.
   RIP to all 3.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Issues resolved!

   Whatever it was that was fucking up this blog new seems to be gone. So, I'm back! I still can't fully access some of the sites I usually troll for information, but at least I can blog again!
   And this time, I've got a question for Canada's 2 rail companies, CN and CP. Does all your rolling stock date back to the creation of your railways? Given what's been happening lately, I kinda wonder if it doesn't. I'm talking about the latest derailment in New Brunswick where 22 cars or so jumped the tracks. Some were loaded with crude oil, others with liquefied petroleum gas.
   And while the probe into exactly what happened is ongoing, preliminary investigations show a cracked wheel or axle, and damaged track. Again, this is just preliminary. And it's not just this derailment that's got me wondering WTF is going on either. There was the one in Quebec last year, plus the one in Calgary, Alberta which (in all fairness) was caused by the flooding they had.
   But to me it still points out the need for the railways to take a long, hard look at their infrastructure to see how old the rolling stock is, and just what condition the tracks are. Repairs and replacements would be astronomically high to be sure. But I'M also nearly as sure the feds would mandate such upgrades if a major catastrophe were to occur in a place like Montreal or Toronto.
   'Nuff said.