Sunday, November 5, 2017

Sorry America. It's Time You Put The Guns Down

   I know all about the 2nd Amendment and all the bullshit that goes with the argument "in a militia". I know you love your guns down there. I also know the majority of American's don't have a gun. And before you say "Ratbag; you're a left-wing pinko", I assure you I'm not. I've owned guns in the past, and am considering getting back into shooting. But seriously my American friends, don't you think it's time to at least start looking at some form of restrictions? Not as far as we go here, where anything with a muzzle velocity over 495 fps requires you to have a license. But something?
   In the wake of the church shooting in Texas, I've already seen a number of my social media friends suggesting they're going to start packing wherever they go. I've even heard one asshole go as far as saying "guns in church". Anyone who has followed even a portion of this blog knows I'm not religious. in fact, I'm atheist. Still, a church (until today) used to be a place of sanctuary. But not anymore. 28 dead, 20+ wounded.
  Couple that with the carnage in Vegas not long ago, and you have to ask "does anyone really, REALLY need a semi-automatic assault rifle"? With magazines that can hold in excess of 30 rounds or more? Or do we have to start having people take their gun to church. I've (also) heard after past massacres "the shooter wouldn't have killed do many of someone had been packing heat". Maybe. But more likely, the death count would be even higher during an exchange between 2 shooters, rather than 1.
   If this keeps up, my southern neighbours, Kim Jong-Un won't have to nuke you. You'll have killed most of your own countrymen off yourselves. Rant over
   'Nuff said.

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