Thursday, November 16, 2017

   Ugly Christmas sweaters. They've unfortunately been around for a few years now. They run the gamut from mildly offensive
   To retch making
   (I'm NOT an Edmonton Oilers fan). In fact, several offices run annual "ugly sweater" contests to see who has the ugliest of the ugly. Luckily, the office I'm in does not. But of we ever did, I think I'd have a winner
   No, I was not the model for the graphic. I don't know who was responsible for this, but that person should be slapped repeatedly with a limp piece of spaghetti.
   If you want the truth, I don't even own a sweater, let alone something as ghastly as any of the above. And if I ever did, I think Mrs. Ratbag would likely slap me with a piece of limp spaghetti repeatedly. And throw the sweater on the fire. Either that, or give it to our pets for a bed.
  'Nuff said.

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