Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Aw, Fuck! Not Again...AGAIN

   Well, I hope you enjoyed missing Doomsday last Saturday. The only problem now is the same religious fucktard who WRONGLY predicted it has done some new number crunching, and has come up with...you guessed it..a NEW date. Shades of Harold Camping, who also got it wrong. Twice.
   So, the next WRONG date has been recomputed by this supposed christian numerologist for October 15th. The bullshit "forecast" he tried to use came up after he' discovered' numerical codes in the Big Book Of Thou Shalt Not..aka the bible.
   Making things worse for himself, he claims his "prophecy" wasn't clearly understood, and Sept. 23 was an initial sign of the impending "rapture". Cough...bullshit...cough. It's just the idiot's original forecast did not come true, and he's now trying to save face.
   If that ain't bad enough, the numb-nut has gone on to say "hold on and wait. I don't believe you'll be disappointed". Sorta like telling Camping "hold my beer and watch THIS". He re-stated his (false) claim that Planet X will hit or come close to hitting Earth, resulting in a 7 year rapture. Quick! Someone find out what funky drugs he's taking and get me some!
   The big hole in this (other than the religious asshole himself) is the SCIENTIFIC FACT that NASA, or any other agency, has not seen anything with the mass of Planet X hurtling toward us.
   If I don't post anything before then, which I likely will, I'll see you all October 16th!
   'Nuff said

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Aw, Fuck! Not Again...UPDATE

   Well, here's a huge fuckin' surprise. It's September 24, 2017 and (as I fully expected) the world did not fuckin' end like that religious idiot foretold (see below). Did I go out last night just in case? Nope! Stayed home, actually went to bed early, had a good long sleep, and woke up late.
   Just shows you how accurate there "religious" people are. Not At All!
   Guess I'll just have to wait for the next numb-nut's "prophecy" to come out. It'll be wrong, just like the others, but it does give me fodder for this forum.
   'Nuff said.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Aw, Fuck! Not Again

   Yeah, some dip-shit religitard AGAIN forecasting "The End Of The World As We Know It. Cough (bullshit) cough. Some evangelical Christian idiot says it's going to happen September 23rd. This particular asshole, some guy named Dave Meade, bases it on the number 33, for some fucking unknown reason, but it apparently has something to do with it being 33 days since the solar eclipse, how long christ lived, and yada-yada-yada.
   But this douche-rocket is different. He says HE'S not making the claim (cough..bullshit..cough), but it's all in the book of revelation in the Buy-Bull. Now, to be fair (for the first time in a long time) people of "faith" are also calling B.S, along with people who trust in Science, not some fairy-tale cloud-rider in the sky. In fact, one pastor even went as far as saying “It’s simply fake news that a lot of Christians believe the world will end on September 23.” And our guy says Planet "X" (aka Nibiru) will somehow be involved, eventually bringing fire, storms and other types of destruction. Yada-yada-yada.
   He can join the ranks of others who (wrongly) predicted the "End Of The World" in the past. Including Harold Camping, who was wrong TWICE.
   My plans for the 23rd? Maybe have a beer, watch a little T.V, go to bed at my regular time, and get up Sunday the 24th and laugh my ass off at another FAILED prediction.
   And people still wonder why I have no faith in religion.
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Hurricanes And H-Bombs

   That's hurricane Irma, seen by a NASA satellite as she rampages across the Caribbean en-route to Florida. As of this post, Irma had sustained winds of 295 km/h, or 185 mph. Several islands in the Caribbean have reportedly had damage to 95% of structures. And that ain't all folks! There are 2 other storms brewing in the Gulf and mid-Atlantic.
   Irma is responsible for several deaths, and at least one Darwin candidate. Seems a 16 year old pro-surfer got himself killed by heading out into wavers created by the storm. He apparently told some fellow non-successful Darwin candidates that it was "the best wave of his life". Turns out, it was also the last wave of his life when he was knocked unconscious when he hit his head on the reef, possibly braking his neck and taking a long hold down for a number of waves. Sorry of this sounds callous (no, I'm not), but that's just plain fucking stupid.
   And about that H-Bomb:
   North Korean dictator Kim Jung-un (Sum Dum Fuk) claims his country let one off recently, and says the U.S will be sent "gift packages" until they stop harassing Kim and his Krew. With "The Donald" as POTUS, that's not gonna happen.
   Maybe what Trumpty-Dumpty should do is stand out in the Atlantic and start blowing his hot air to move a weather bomb over N. Korea.
   Well, I can dream, can't I?
   'Nuff said.