Monday, May 15, 2017

What Did Donald Do Now

   The Donald has been very much in the news lately, and it's not been an easy week for him, either. He's pissed off the FBI by firing director James Comey. And not (apparently) for the agency's continuing probe into allegations of Russian interference in the election, either.
   Nope! Apparently Trump was going to say "You're Fired" anyway. But, needless to say, the timing
of the move is somewhat suspect. Comey is, apparently, ready to fight back. I'm thinking things will get ugly. Shit, there are some analysts out there suggesting Trump's firing Comey could be grounds for impeachment.
   If that's not enough, then there's this little supposed bombshell. Trump handing sensitive (ie: classified) info over to the Russians. To be fair, I'm not sure exactly what the fuck it was over (allegedly), but it's caused a shit-storm. His  National Security Advisor even came out to "brief" the press with a 15 or 20 second long statement basically calling the allegations unfounded, and not true.
   Somewhere George Bush Jr. is chuckling loudly about not being the worst president in history any more. And we're not even 6 months into the new administration!
   Good times, good times.
   'Nuff said

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