Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Test Of Faith: FAIL

   And an epic fail as well. Seems a 'pastor' somewhere in Africa tried to walk on water to show his congregation he could. He couldn't. He waded about 100 feet into a river, and met his doom. I guess I should mention at this point the river was known locally as Crocodile River (where's Mick Dundee when you need him?) with the expected result. A nice feed for the Crocs. At least 3 of them, who a local resident says "took him down".
   “They finished him in a couple of minutes. All that was left of him when they finished eating him was a pair of sandals and his underwear floating above the water.” Our witness went on to say  “We still don’t understand how this happened because he fasted and prayed the whole week." Emergency services got there 30 minutes later, but by then the Gators were already having a good belch.
   I'm guessing it happened for one of several reasons. 1). 'god' was pissed off with him. 2). He fucking waded into Crocodile River. About the only thing he didn't do was smother himself in bar-b-cue sauce first. 3). He tested his faith and it failed because 'god' does not exist. I'm going with a combination of 2 and 3.
   And people wonder why I have NO faith in religion.
   'Nuff said.

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