Friday, February 20, 2015

Hello Handsome!!!

   You have got to love the new look Sum Dum Fuk (or Kim Jung Un) is sporting these days. I'm especially impressed with the eye-brow wax job he got. North Korea's tin-pot dictator also looks like he's been packing on the pounds, while his countrymen starve. Pretty much typical for 'Lil Kim and his family.
   I don't know where he got the haircut from, but I hope HE wanted it that way. If his barber gave it to him without permission, said barber likely was fed to the same dogs 'Lil Kim will be woofing down at his next meal. It's almost like the bowl slipped while the clippers were running. And those fucking eyebrows. 'Nuff said about them.
   The hair almost looks like he stuck his tiny dick in an electrical socket. Or was scared shitless by his advisors when they told him what the USA and allies had pointed at him if he ever dared loose off a nuke. I'll admit, I'm not exactly the picture postcard of sartorial splendor myself, but JEEZ!!!
   You know what he reminds me of? One of those fucking troll dolls from the 1960's
   Except no where near as good looking.
   'Nuff said

Monday, February 9, 2015

Who The Fuck Is Kanye West, And Why Should We Care?

   I avoided watching the Grammys last night, but I couldn't help but hear on my local radio station all about the latest Kanye West fiasco. Not for the first time this no-class rap 'music' "star" bust on stage during the event to whine, bitch and moan about BeyoncĂ© not taking "Album of the Year" honors.
   Kanye: She ain't your wife, so leave it alone. If your own 'career' has taken such a nose dive that you A: Feel the need to disrupt the proceedings, and B: Need to latch on to your own wife (Kim Lardashian's) star just to stay in the public eye, maybe it's time to retire.
   After all, rap is nothing more than the musical equivalent of projectile vomiting AND explosive diarrhea combined. And if you were a real "star", you wouldn't feel the need to kick up a fuss in the first place.
   Grow up, jackass.
   'Nuff said.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

"The Final Doom"

   That's what 'Lil Kim (or Kim Jung Un aka Sum Dum Fuk) is forecasting for the U.S. Again. In fact, the little Fuk has gone so far as to say America will face cyber and nuclear attacks. But why? What's got his diarrhea-filled diaper twisted this time? Oh, it's over talks that have broken down between the U.S and his tin-pot dictatorship-ruled country. Talks that 'Lil Kim broke off himself.
   And why? Why break off the dialog with the States anyway?? All they were trying to do was re-start stalled 6-nation talks on de-nuclearisation. It's not like the North was trying to restart their nuke program. Oh, yeah. Apparently, they were.
   Anyway, Fuk's 'official' media are printing shit like "since the gangster-like US imperialists are blaring that they will 'bring down' the DPRK, the army and people of North Korea cannot but officially notify the Obama administration that the DPRK has neither need nor willingness to sit at negotiating table with the US any longer", and that  the North was capable of bringing about the "final ruin of the US" with its "precision and diversified nuclear striking means."
   I'm thinking 'Lil Kim may get one shot, as it were, before the U.S responds. And if this little puss filled bubo actually launches a nuke, well, there might be something like this in Sum Dum Fuk's future. Not that it'd be a great loss
   'Nuff said.