Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Uh, Maybe They Should Change His Name

   Saw this on a pals Facebook page, and had to share. Seems Netflix is teaming up with other production companies to make a samurai type Game of Thrones-esque docu-drama based on feudal Japan. Sounds interesting. The show, "Age Of Samurai: Battle For Japan". It's billed as a multi-episode stylized drama about a real samurai.
   Our protagonist, Date Masamune, plucked out his own eye to combat a smallpox infection. That move, apparently, spawned his nickname. I'm not making this up, either "the One Eyed Dragon". Now maybe I'm still in junior high school, with my mind firmly in the gutter, but "one eyed dragon", to me and a few friends, could be misconstrued for a certain part of the male anatomy. I just wonder if he has a purple helmet.
   I told you my mind was stuck in a junior high school gutter. Will I watch? Probably not, although it would be interesting to see who gets to ride the dragon.
   'Nuff said.

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