Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Uh, Maybe They Should Change His Name

   Saw this on a pals Facebook page, and had to share. Seems Netflix is teaming up with other production companies to make a samurai type Game of Thrones-esque docu-drama based on feudal Japan. Sounds interesting. The show, "Age Of Samurai: Battle For Japan". It's billed as a multi-episode stylized drama about a real samurai.
   Our protagonist, Date Masamune, plucked out his own eye to combat a smallpox infection. That move, apparently, spawned his nickname. I'm not making this up, either "the One Eyed Dragon". Now maybe I'm still in junior high school, with my mind firmly in the gutter, but "one eyed dragon", to me and a few friends, could be misconstrued for a certain part of the male anatomy. I just wonder if he has a purple helmet.
   I told you my mind was stuck in a junior high school gutter. Will I watch? Probably not, although it would be interesting to see who gets to ride the dragon.
   'Nuff said.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

It's Been Waaayyyyy Too Long

   In fact, it's been months since my last post, and I chalk it up to bone-idle laziness. No excuses. Just fucking lazy. So, what woke me from my stupor? Another Donald Trump gaffe? If that'd been the case, this forum would have been flooded. Another sexual abuse allegation against the catholic church? Once again, this forum would have been flooded. Another religious "televangelist" scamming his "flock" (maybe fleecing would be a better way of putting it)...Yes!
   Ken Copeland is the asshat in the Ratbag spotlight, and it goes back to 2015, when he said he "needed" a $54 million private jet. Not just for his "ministry", but also to jet to private vacations. Why not fly commercial Ken? Well, apparently he said if he did, he wouldn't be able to do 65% of the work he gets through on his private jet.
   Apparently, the whole thing stems from an interview the shyster did in late '15, which went viral not long ago. What's Kens defense? "It's a biblical thing". I shit you not, that's what he said. He's apparently also a "prosperity gospel" preacher, which basically cons the mugs (his "followers") by saying faith, in the form of donations, leads to "riches down the line". Seems to me the only fucker getting rich is Kenny baby.
   Anyway, he's got himself a nice, shiny Gulfstream V, capable of seating up to 19. Or just one televangelist asshole, and 18 bags of money.
   What's the point of this quickly becoming a rant post? Simple. Religion is a sham, and it's overlords like Kenny, the pope and others are running a pyramid scheme or a Ponzi in which the leaders get rich off the followers. 'Twas ever thus.
   And before you condemn me to hell, I remind you that like heaven, I don't believe it exists. Hell! Even pope Frankie says it don't!
'Nuff said.