Sunday, November 25, 2018

Got What He Deserved

   That is, or more properly WAS, John Chau. The self-styled christian "missionary" met his end this past week on North Sentinel Island, in the Bay of Bengal off India. The selfish bitch was trying to "convert" the Sentinelese when he met his doom. No, not an accident. Not even an act of his so-called "god" (which failed to protect him, by the way).
   He was killed by the people who live on the island, and have done so for the past 55 thousand years. The Sentinelese are supposedly the direct descendents of the original people who started migrating out of Africa. They want to be left alone and uncontacted. The Indian government has declared their island restricted, off limits, a no-go zone, or whatever you wanna call it.
   Not that  there hasn't been contact in the past. A sailing ship in the 1800's was supposedly the first, and were greeted with outright hostility and aggression. A few years back, 2 fishermen accidentally drifted close, and both were killed. The only "friendly" contact, insomuch as they didn't attack intruders, was in 1991.
   Chau made the conscious decision to go. They fired arrows at him the first time he tried to land. The 2nd time, they broke his kayak and killed him. Good for them.
   I just hope the stupid dingle-berry didn't have something like flu or measles. Having lived in isolation for thousands of years, they're not immune, and the tribe (said to number anywhere from 40 to 500) could be wiped out.
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

This Is Getting Tiresome

   Once again in America, the "Thoughts and Prayers" factory has gone into overdrive after a gun-toting maniac opened fire on a bunch of innocent people with the only goal to kill or wound as many as possible. This time 12 died when a 28 year old ex-marine supposedly suffering PTSD opened up in a bar in Thousand Oaks, California with a Glock 21
   And an extended magazine, before allegedly turning it on himself. Among the dead was a sheriff's deputy who was among the first law enforcement teams at the scene. Apparently the man (who's name HAS been released but who I won't identify 'cause he's a piece of shit) shot a security guard outside the bar before entering to start his rampage.
   It was just October 27th another nutbar with an assault rifle opened fire in a Synagogue, killing 11. Does America have a gun problem? The NRA and president "The Donald" would say "no". Bull Fucking Shit. It's become almost a daily occurrence when I tune into my local radio station and hear of yet another shooting. In fact, in the past 311 days of 2018, there have been 307 mass shootings, leaving 328 dead.
   Some of the people I follow on social media, who happen to be American, would suggest armed guards in public places. They also say if "someone had a concealed, the death toll wouldn't be so high", an actual quote. Bull Fucking Shit again. True, someone packing heat may get a lucky chance for a lucky shot to halt a rampage, but would more likely add to the death toll by hitting more innocent bystanders.
   This has quickly, and unintentionally, turned into a rant, but the bottom line here is that the U.S government, while not repealing their precious 2nd amendment, needs to look at some form of gun control. Either that, or start building more "Thoughts and Prayers" factories.
   Rant (now) over.
   'Nuff said.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Only In America!

   That's Dennis Hof. Republican and brothel owner. He was also elected to the Nevada State Assembly in Tuesday's mid-term elections in the U.S. The 72 year old called himself the "Trump of Pahrump". Pahrump being a town west of Vegas, near the California border. And also the site of the "invasion" in the 'Mars Attacks' movie.
   Hof defeated a Democrat to win the seat, but there's a problem. A very large problem. Hof was buried Monday. He actually died October 16th at his Love Ranch brothel. Despite his no longer being with us, his campaign manager kept the ball rolling, urging folks to vote for Hof. Which they did. In enough numbers to secure that State Assembly seat. Apparently, the rules state people can elect someone posthumously, and the party will select his/her successor.
   I don't know, or really want to, if part of his campaign at his brothels included a "Hump for Hof" event, with the prospective electorate doing the "polling". All I do know is with various governments all fucking us over, it kinda made sense for a whorehouse operator to get erected...sorry...elected. At least at his businesses, you could actually see what was going to fuck you.
   'Nuff said.