Sunday, August 19, 2018

You Want Us To What Now?

      That's 93 year old Russ Nelson, and he's 'president' of the mormon church. And he wants us all, even non-members, to stop using the phrase 'mormon". In fact, he is insisting we stop using the term 'mormon' and use the full name "the church of jesus christ of later day saints". And no more abbreviating it to LDS, either. I think old Russ is on LSD.
   His pronouncement comes after he supposedly 'heard from god in a 'revelation' to make the change from 'mormon'. Sure he did. I'll betcha if ol' Russ actually DID hear from the made up cloud rider in the sky, he'd probably shit his pants, wondering if he'd been 'called home'.
   I dunno how he's going to work the re-branding into the 'book of mormon' or the 'mormon tabernacle choir', rather than the new tcojcolds. Something tells me it won't roll off the tongue like 'mormon'.
   And as for his insistence that non believers quit using the term 'mormon', I don't think so.
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Well Here's A Surprise (NOT)

   Seems up to 300 former catholic priests and even higher ups in Pennsylvania have been implicated in a report by a Grand Jury of raping and/or abusing literally THOUSANDS of children over the past 70 years.
   The pedophiles are alleged to have done everything from raping a 7 year old girl, to getting a 17 year old pregnant, marrying and then divorcing her. One of the fuckers apparently abused 5 sisters IN THE SAME FAMILY. And why was nothing done? Because true to form, their higher-ups simply swept it under the carpet, and moved the ass-cunts responsible to another parish. Where they were free to do it all over again. Not only that, but one bishop is said to have thanked one priest who assaulted at least 12 boys, and fucking admitted it, for the "work he had done for god's people".
   How many of these shits will be brought to justice? Probably round about none. A lot of them have probably already croaked, hopefully of stomach cancer in some part of the world where the most potent pain reliever is kiddies aspirin. The other reason, is most of the incidents fall outside the State's statute of limitations.
   This just goes to reinforce a point I've made time and time again. The catholic church is an evil organization, where kiddie-diddling priests don't even get a pee-pee whack for their actions, let alone turned over to the cops for prosecution. It's a scam, pyramid scheme or Ponzi, where people have their money sucked out of them every week so the 'church' can pay off those brave enough to challenge it's 'authority'.
   Hopefully, this will be one hammer blow toward the eventual downfall and disintegration of a corrupt, violent, money grubbing Mafia-like organization.
   And no, you do not want to know how I really feel.
  'Nuff said