Thursday, December 28, 2017

They Found Noah's Ark

   Or so says something called the Geoscience Research Institute. They supposedly found the ark on Mount Ararat in Turkey, where the "bible" (aka: The Big Book of Thou Shalt Not) says it ended up after the "flood".
   Maybe at this time it should be mentioned the "institute" in question is sponsored by the 7th day adventists, and specializes in the pseudo-scientific theory of creationism and (not surprisingly) serves the "church". I'm not sure if they're trying to reconcile scientific fact with biblical bullshit, but like the shroud of Turin, the so-called "spear of destiny", the James ossuary and others, this will likely turn out to be fake. Or at least false.
   My rational for the above statement? It's fine for a religion-based "institute" to make such claims, but until and unless they're backed by hard, demonstrably provable scientific experimentation and FACT, it's utter horse-shit.
   For example: Where is there any record of a flood some 48 hundred years ago? There's nothing to suggest or PROVE water levels were cataclysmically high during that period. Even if all the icecaps everywhere on earth melted, there still wouldn't be enough water to inundate everything.
   I could go on with a lengthy rant, but I won't. Suffice it to say, I can't buy into this charade. Any more than I can any other "religious" fairy-tale.
   'Nuff said.

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