Thursday, July 20, 2017

A Quick Hit (Just To Prove I'm Still Alive)

   For those of you who don't already know, O.J Simpson has been granted parole, and will be released from jail later this year after serving less than 1/3rd of a 33 year sentence in that 'Vegas sports memorabilia robbery. Do a wiki on it yourself if you want details.
   'Course "Juice" was found not guilty on the murders of his ex-wife and her friend in 1994, but a civil jury in '96 found Simpson liable for wrongful death and 2 counts of battery, and ordered him to pay 33.5 million. He sold some of his memorabilia, and that's when the whole fucking Vegas thing got started.
   Anyway, O.J has been given parole. And since he's only 70, does than mean he still has time to kill?
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

The Things You See On Social Media (Part 2)

   Okay, I admit it. I'm a bit of a social media troll. I spend way too much time on Facebook, but today, that time ill-spent was well worth it.
   As I was going through F.B, I came on a post from one of my friends, who, in turn, got it off Twitter. Now, I'll freely admit I fucking hate Twitter. It's the most fucking useless of all the useless social media. Thanks in no small part to the Twit In Chief
   But this time, it's got nothing to do with The Donald, but it is indirectly Fake News, as he likes to say. Actually, more like Fake Sports. Want it narrowed down even further? It's (apparently) from something called The Fake ESPN. And I got a really good chuckle out of it.
   And while I still fucking hate Twitter, after seeing this, I might just think about joining. Nah, I won't.
   'Nuff said.