Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Another "Hit" For 'Lil Kim

   North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un (aka Sum Dum Fuk) has, indeed, struck again. 'Lil Kim has "offed" another former high-ranking member of his cadre. Okay, it was his half-brother Kim Jong Nam
   And unlike some of Un's "greatest hits" of the past, this was rather muted. He had an uncle fed to the dogs a while back, and had a high ranking military member put to death by firing squad. And not your ordinary, run-of-the-mill firing squad either. He had the poor fucker stand at the end of a runway in Pyongyang, and had his troops fire at him from the other end. With an anti-aircraft gun. Bad as that was, you gotta give s style point or 2 to Mr. Fuk, er Un, for that one.
   So, what did he do to his (half) brother? Feed him to the dogs? No. Executed by firing squad, traditional or otherwise? No. Did he place him on the fire pit during the latest missile test? No, again.
   Nope, little Sum Dum Fuk has him poisoned. Apparently, 2 female 'operatives' tracked him down in the airport at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and had them poison him. Apparently, there wasn't a whole lot of Brotherly Love between them. In fact, it seems there was bad blood. Which in this feud left Nam 0, and Un 1.
   'Nuff said

Monday, February 6, 2017

I Think It's Time For A New Feature

   And I'm going to call it "How Many Fucks Do You Give". This might end up being a short post, but here we go.
   BeyoncĂ© is preggers with twins. Count Count, How Many Fucks Do You Give:
   "Zero. I give Zero Fucks."
   Lady Gag-Gag played at the halftime show during the Superbowl. Count Count: How Many Fucks Do You Give:
   "Zero. I give Zero Fucks".
   Okay, how 'bout this then. Count Count, the New England Patriots won the Superbowl. How many Fucks Do You Give:
   2. I give 2 Fucks. Ah, ah, ah!
   Count Count, why 2 Fucks? "Well, I can't give Zero Fucks about everything, can I?"
   Anyway, congrats to the Pats on the "big win", coming back to win in O.T, the 1st time that's ever, EVER happened in the Superbowl. I just hope Brady's balls were fully inflated this time.
   'Nuff said