Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Fuck Off, 2016

(Photo credit to The Poke)
     I for one won't be sorry to see this year end, given the spate of famous people who shuffled off this mortal coil and joined the choir invisible. I suppose if you did a statistical comparison with any other year, the number of celebrity deaths would probably be pretty close to the number we lost this year, and I know we can't blame a year for the spate of deaths. But it does seem 2016 was particularly harsh for famous people who died. Carrie Fisher was the latest, but we also said good-bye to David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Gene Wilder, Prince, Muhammad Ali, John Glen, Glenn Frey and George Michael. Just to name a few.
   Perhaps it's the fact this was a Leap Year? O-kay, not likely. But the Grim Reaper did seem to have his scythe very sharp the past 362 days (as of this post). And with 4 days still left in the year (again, as of this post), you wonder "who's next"?
   I really don't wish ill on anyone, but if the man in the black robes is a viewer, I've got a short list. And these are not who I class as A-list celebrities. More like Q or even Z list. So, if you are out there Mr. Reaper, and are still looking to fill a quota, would you be so kind as to take.....well, karma's a bitch, so I won't give names here. But there is a certain young singer with the initials J.B, a rap 'star' with the initials K.W and his wife K.K. Again, not a wish or "hit" list, but if you're looking for a few extras to round out the year, some suggestions.
   Oh, yeah. Happy 2017.
   'Nuff said.

Monday, December 19, 2016

I Need To Post Something

   So, here it is:
   Donald Trump has been chosen by the Electoral College S to be the next President of the United State of America. He got the needed votes to be confirmed today, getting 304 to Hillary Clinton's 270 votes are needed to become POTUS.
   And ever since his election win in November, there were protestors out ion force in several cities across the Good 'Ole USA. But the "deal" is still not sealed. Apparently, the U.S Congress meets in early January to certify the results, with current V.P Joe Biden presiding. But with the Republicans in full control, it's all but certain Trump will be inaugurated January 20th.
   Good luck, America. You might need it. (And no, I'm NOT a Liberal.)
   'Nuff said.