Wednesday, May 13, 2015

"You're Fired"

   Yep! 'Lil Kim's at it again. Kim Jong Un (aka Sum Dum Fuk) has had another member of his inner circle executed. This time, it's the Chief of Defence. What'd this guy do? Fall asleep while the Great Successor was at the same event as him?
   Actually, yeah. The latest victim of a purge by 'Lil Kim not only nodded off, but was accused of treason, and disobeying the little Fuk. I dunno how many of his inner circle the little ass-wipe has had offed, but it's gotta be getting near 20. At this rate, 'Lil Kim's not gonna have an inner circle. Not that they have much choice but to accept a position offered by him. It's either that, or the firing squad.
   Which is exactly what happened to the now departed Hyon Yong Chol. But it wasn't your traditional firing squad of 5 or 6 guys with rifles. Oh, no. 'Lil Kim stood him up at a range, and used a fucking anti-aircraft gun to get the job done!
   Much as I wish this idiot would shuffle off this mortal coil, I do have to give him some style points on this one. A fucking anti-aircraft gun!
   'Nuff said.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Finally! The Long Nightmare Is Ending

   Has it really been 15 years? It seems like a fuck of a lot longer than that. Either way, American Idol is going to milk the already dry cow one final season, then GOODBYE FOREVER!!!!! We hope. It's true. FOX says their flagship show, which has been sinking in the ratings the past few years, is going off the air at the end of the 2016 season.
   I freely admit to this: I did watch season 2, but then it just turned into karaoke night in America with a seemingly endless stream of medium talent "singers" parading one after the other after the other, and I rapidly lost interest. In fact, I can only name 3 winners: Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood and Ruben Studdard. And of the 3, the only one to achieve superstardom was Underwood.
   A lot of people will say the downward slide started when Simon Cowell left. Or Paula Abdul. I can't remember who left first. Not that it mattered, anyway. As I said, it deteriorated to the point where (for me the 3rd season) it got unwatchable.
   So, goodbye American Idol. Now if we could just get rid of Survivor, Big Brother and The Voice. TV might become watchable again.
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Wanna See Something Creepy?

   There it is. That's McDonald's new take on the Hamburglar. Yep! After 13 years in mascot limbo, Rotten Ronnies has brought him back. But not as the almost likable character of decades ago:
   No. This new, real life incarnation is supposed to represent the "suburban dad", and will promote the chain's new 1/3lb sirloin burger. Sorry McD's, but he looks like a potential pedophile on the loose. Either that, or a rejected villain from the old Batman TV series in the '60's.
   Whoever they have for an ad agency, and what made them think this is going to fly must be fucked in the head. Maybe they'd better call Officer Big Mac out of retirement to shoot the son of a bitch. Or at least taser the fucker. The character looks that fuckin' creepy.
   I don't know how many millions Ron's blew on this, and all for a sirloin burger, but I doubt they're gonna get their money's worth out of it.
   Maybe they should've put the cash into some serious R and D to make their McGarbage food actually taste good.
   'Nuff said.