Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday Follies

   And what better way to start than with the butt of many late night comedian's jokes: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford. Seems Bobby baby is in legal hot water again. This time, he's being sued for libel by a Toronto newspaper reporter, who says Ford  alluded to him as a pedophile in a recent interview the mayor gave to Conrad Black.
   The reporter in question says the decision was not an easy one to make. None of the claims have been proven in court.
   Speaking of courts, in North Korea there was a kangaroo one recently, which saw the execution of  the powerful uncle of young leader Kim Jong Un, or as I call him Sum Dum Fuk.
   That's Kim with his uncle Jang Song Thaek in happier days. Happier for Jang, cause he was still alive. State media in the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) say Uncle Jang was killed just days ahead of the second anniversary of the death of Kim Jong Il, the father of North Korea's current ruler. Co-incidence? I don't think so. Young Fuk is still consolidating power, and bumping off old Unkie Jang shows the process is ongoing.
   I guess old Jang can now be called Sum Dead Gimp.
   'Nuff said.

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