Friday, March 15, 2019


   When they work, they're great, ain't they? When they don't work, they're just a fucking oversize paperweight. The hunk of junk I'm posting on went paperweight a while back, hence the lack of entries.
   What happened? Well, I had to do a hard power-down to get my printer to shut off. And not being able to wedge myself into the small opening where the power cord is for the printer (and also unable to get to the power input on the goddamn thing), I had to shut off everything.
   It worked. Only too well. Not only did my POS printer finally shut down, but (because I effectively pulled the plug on the whole system) everything did. It came up fine when I reset the power. But everything was fucked. Couldn't log on to FB, couldn't log on to You Tube, you get the picture. I eventually did, by having to sign on again to all the affected sites. But I lost fucking everything. All links, playlists and this blog.
   How did I get things back? A lot of trial and error. A lot of re-entering logons, passwords etc. I finally hit the right combination, and all my shit came back. Properly.
   Lesson learned: Don't fuck with your power cables when trying to shut down 1 piece of gear. Also, make room to wedge my fat ass into a space to pull the plug on just the piece of gear that ain't working. And also write down the log-on and passwords for EVERY FUCKING SITE somewhere so I don't have to go through all this bullshit again.
   'Nuff said.