Sunday, February 24, 2019

More Words

   But still no action. Pope Frankie wrapped up a 4 day summit on sexual abuse by clergy saying abusers in the catholic church will "face the wrath of god". I'd rather have them face the wrath of fellow prisoners, who usually don't take kindly to kiddie-diddlers.
   He offered an 8-point pledge "going forward", calling for change in the church's 'defensive mentality', and a vow to never again cover up abuse cases. Fine, as far as it goes. But it don't go far enough. If Frank really meant to do anything, he would've ordered his minions to crack open the secret books I'm sure are stored somewhere inside the vatican, go through them, find out where the living abusers (and those who shuffled them around so they could continue to diddle) are and turn the whole file over to the cops in every country involved. As for those priests who raped nuns, same as above.
   Until and unless something concrete is done, this is nothing more than another slap on the wrist for the abuser assholes, and another crack (let them come quickly) in the wall of a truly evil institution that's been allowed to get away with far too much shit for far too long. If no action is taken, then this "summit" is just More Words.
   'Nuff said

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Well, Well, Well

   Seems the catholic church is enveloped in yet another sex scandal. And this one's a bit of a surprise. Not that it's continuing to happen, or the pope was (again) late in addressing it. But the fact he's admitting it at all. No, it's got nothing to do with priests and/or bishops abusing children or other parishioners. In fact, it's close to 100% certainly been going on for centuries, and swept under the rug not only by Frankie, but all his predecessors It's their men of god (priests/bishops) raping nuns. Yup! You read that right. Priests/bishops raping nuns.
   Again, no real surprise. Things got so bad that one entire congregation of nuns was disbanded by pope Benny. But again, in case after case after case, they did what they always do, and are best at doing: Sweet. Fuck. All.
   Some of the rape victims were ordered to have abortions by the priests/bishops who impregnated them, and those who had the little bastard kids saw their fathers simply wash their hands of their own offspring. Most likely so as not to catch shit from the higher-ups. Who ignored the issue, as always.
   Hell, Frankie went so far as to say nuns were being held as sexual slaves. Again, not really a big surprise, since these assholes can't, or won't, keep their cocks in their cassocks. And if the scope of the whole sordid mess wasn't brought to light recently, I sure as fuck wouldn't be blogging about it now, because the church would again do Sweet Fuck All. Frankie admits it's a "problem" (big of him), and says "more action is needed". What that means wasn't said.
   I'm also near 100% certain there's consensual fucking going on between priests/bishops and nuns as well. With more bastard kids as a result. And it's parishioners who are paying to cover the entire mess up every week when they drop that envelope into that dish.
   Just another wholesome life lesson from the demonically evil institution known as the catholic church.
  'Nuff said.