Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Well Here's A Surprise (NOT) Part 2

   Seems the catholic church has struck...AGAIN. This time, the kiddy diddling clergy in Germany is under fire. Seems some 17 hundred perverts abused almost 37 hundred people between 1946 and 2014. And like the story from Pennsylvania, it's not likely any will face justice. Again, due to the fact that many of the assholes have died, along with some of their victims.
   And like the case in Pennsylvania, the higher-ups apparently did sweet fuck all, other than to move the abusers to other parishes, where they were free to abuse again. How high up? Well, the vatican says they're preparing "necessary clarifications" (whatever the fuck that means), about top officials, including pope Frankie, who may have covered up allegations against an American cardinal (not the bird) in the Pennsylvania case. No word what's going to happen with this new batch from Deutschland.
   You also gotta wonder how long it'll be before we hear more tales of debauchery about these so-called "men of god". All I can say it "bring it". The more, the merrier. And even more hammer blows against a vastly evil institution that needs to be crumbled and turned into dust.
   For the record, I was not brought up catholic, and have (luckily) never been the victim of abuse at the hands of any 'clergy', or others. Regular viewers will know I'm an atheist who sees religion as a demonic invention of man. Now it's up to men, and women, to end it all.
   'Nuff said.