Thursday, July 19, 2018

They Had A Child?

   Saw this on a friends facebook page, and had to share here. Especially after my last blog entry (They Met Part 2). Some wit at Time Magazine got very creative, and superimposed (or morphed. Whatever you wanna call it) Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin together. Sort of a post summit meeting of the presidents.
   My buddy said something to the effect of if the 2 were ever to have a love-child, this is what it could look like. He went on to thank Time for giving the world Vladonald Trumputin"..
   Only question I have is which one is the others bitch?

   'Nuff said.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

They Met: Part 2 ***EDITED***

   This time, U.S prez "The" Donald Trump had a face to face with Russia's Vlad Putin. I'm not a political commentator, nor was I a fly on the wall of the meeting. But it's been interesting to hear and read what American politicians and others think.
   A former head of the CIA says Trump was "treasonous" for accepting Vlad's 'assurances' that Russia did not meddle in the 2016 election. Despite what Trumpty Dumpty's OWN intelligence community has told him (even though Dapper Don says he asked his bestie Vlad personally).
   Reaction from the Democrats was as expected, but even members of Trump's own Republican party are stating to ask WTF is he doing? Not surprisingly, the critics include Senator John McCain, who isn't exactly warm to Trump. And "The Governator" Arnold Schwarzenegger (who is REALLY not a Trump fan) also chimed in, calling the POTUS a "wet noodle"
   And even some of Don's inner circle said he shouldn't have even met Vlad. Did The Prez get played for a fool? I dunno, but I guess this image may be a lot closer to the truth than most of us (especially Trump) would like it to be.

   'Nuff said
   So, no sooner than I posted this, D.T came out saying he "misspoke" at the Helsinki summit, and has "confidence" in the U.S Intel agencies. He also went on to say he accepted their conclusion that Russia DID meddle in the election. Nice back-track Donny! So, if your Intel people ARE right afterall, will you do the honorable thing and resign? Oh, wait sorry. My bad. Trump has NEVER done an honorable fucking thing in his life!