Monday, April 23, 2018

Maybe I'm Just Skeptical

        North Korean ding-dong Kim Jong-un (aka Sum Dum Fuk) is to sit down at the talk table with his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in for the first face to face between North and South in a decade in Panmunjom, the so-called "truce village" on the border of the 2 Koreas. Among the issues is the North's nuclear and missile programs.
   There's been a lot of détente between the adversaries since the Pyeongchang Olympics. Since then,  'Lil Kim has offered an olive branch or 2 to the South and allies, most notably the U.S. Kim says he's suspending all missile tests, and is closing the nuclear bomb test site. The South has suspended broadcasting propaganda at the North in return. U.S Prez "The Donald" will no doubt be keeping a close eye on the meeting this Friday. He's supposed to sit down with 'Lil Kim later on this spring for the first ever meeting of leaders of the 2 countries.
   Who knows? This week's meeting may even lead to a peace agreement on the peninsula. The Korea's are still technically at war, only inking an armistice back in the 1950's.
   And this is where my skepticism kicks in big time. The Donald wants verifiable proof of the North's denuclearization, which could be problematical to attain. Also, it's fine for 'Lil Kim to halt missile launches and shut the nuke test facility. But maybe it's because he's done all the testing he needs, and has started a full blown nuclear armament program. Maybe he's just a Hawk in Dove's clothing going into the meetings to try and drive a wedge between the South and the U.S. Maybe he's just buying time to build up his arsenal.
   Maybe I'm just a skeptical old fuck. Time will tell.
   'Nuff said