Friday, January 12, 2018

Trump Hits A New High In Low

   Trumpty-Dumpty has done it again. He's managed to piss a whole bunch of people off. Last night at a briefing on immigration, he made disparaging remarks about Haiti, and several African nation. POTUS basically said they are "shithole countries, whose inhabitants are not desirable for U.S immigration". And not surprisingly, there's been a backlash, with officials from Haiti and other countries crying "foul".
   Now, I've never been to any country in Africa or to Haiti, so I don't know if they're "shitholes" or not. But I can tell you that in my own country, Canada, parts of the U.S, and most other countries, there are areas where the term more than applies.
   Shithead Trump has, of course, denied making the remark, only saying his language was "tough". Y'know what Donnie baby? It doesn't fucking matter. You are the supposed "leader of the free world" (thankfully NOT my country though), and as such, and especially when you're in a meeting with lawmakers on both sides of the house, more moderate language should prevail.
   So, who does D.T think would make desirable immigrants, rather than "shithole" countries? Norwegians. That's what Trump himself said. Norwegians, the ones the press talked to, say they're not interested. But thanks anyway.
   And to The Donald: It's time you grew the fuck up a bit, and keep your foul mouth, racist (some would say) vile comments to yourself. Your country, and the world, would be better off if you did.
   'Nuff said