Monday, October 23, 2017

Aw, Fuck. Not Again..AGAIN...UPDATE

   No, I did not get caught up in the (false) doomsday of October 16th. But I did forget to post. As I blogged about, some religious numb-nut predicted (again, and again wrongly) that Doomsday was going to hit on the 15th.
   It's the same asshole who (wrongly) predicted it for September 23rd, then quickly back-tracked and said he forgot to carry the "1", or whatever bullshit excuse he had for getting it wrong in the first place. Meaning his predictions, based on some lame-assed calculations in The Big Book Of Thou Shalt Not (the bible) were half-baked. I'm thinking he was nicely baked when he issued his prognostication.
   Whatever, this religitard seems to have fucked off back into obscurity, joining the likes of Harold Camping, who also WRONGLY predicted the End Of The World at least twice. Lets just hope he stays there.
   And sorry about taking a week to get this update done. I've been busy.
   'Nuff Said

Monday, October 2, 2017

No Words

   58+ dead. 500+ wounded. Las Vegas, October 1, 2017. Saddened beyond words.