Thursday, August 10, 2017

This Is Fukkin Funny

   The reality of it all isn't, though. Kim Jong Un (aka Sum Dum Fuk) and The Donald are in a big pissing match that could see the start of a nuclear war. Anyone who hasn't been off-planet will know I'm talking about the increasing tensions between the DPRK and the U.S over the North's missile and nuke tests.
   Un is threatening to use a nuke on Guam, possibly the U.S mainland. Trump is promising "fury and fire" if he does. I don't think we've been this close to the brink since the Cuban Missile crisis back in the early 60's.
   But in all the turmoil, someone found a lighter side to the whole she-bang. A lot of people think Un and Trump are more alike than both would wish. That person came up with this masterfully photo-shopped picture of the 2, which someone on Facebook captioned Donald Un and Kim Jong Trump
   This picture is worth a thousand words.
   'Nuff said