Thursday, June 29, 2017

One Of Pope Frank's Minions May Be In Deep Shit

    No, I'm not talking about those fucking horrid cartoon minions from those fucking horrid movies. I'm talking about one of Frankie's tip-top Vatican cohorts. Cardinal George Pell, who's Frankie's financial advisor, to be exact:
   And what did Georgie boy do? Abscond with Vatican funds? No. Give away secret state secrets? No. Allegedly sexually assault people decades ago in Australia? Yes. Yes he (allegedly) did. Georgie-Porgie of course denies the accusations, and says he'll fight the charges. Meantime, he's taken a leave of absence to return to the Land of Oz to do just that.
   Kinda seems ironic to me that the man who would (allegedly) likely have to "thumbs up" church payments to victims of pedophile priests could (allegedly) end up having to sign the cheque for his own settlement.
   But, innocent until proven guilty, as they say. Although with the track record of a seemingly vast majority of clergy preying on their parishioners instead of praying for them, rightly or wrongly, in George's case it may well be guilty until proven innocent. Fortunately, the Australian courts, not me, will decide.
   However it turns out, this will be another large black blot on an increasingly stained organization. How badly stained? More than 65 hundred clerics have been accused of abusing minors between 1950 and 2015. And how much has this cost people who put that envelope in the plate every Sunday? Millions, if not billions of $$. If proven guilty, George would be the highest ranking member of the Vatican Mafia yet to be convicted.
   'Nuff said.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

I Need Something To Blog About

   But what? Seriously, it's been a little dry lately, and not much is on the old Ratbag Radar. Like a lot of people, I'm getting sick of hearing about Donald Trump and his foibles. Covfefe, the Comey firing, his latest gaffe about the Panama Canal (check it out for yourself).
   I'm also heartily sick of hearing about Kim Jong Un (aka Sum Dum Fuk) and his foibles. Missile launches, meeting Dennis Rodman, having a captive U.S student returned in a coma, only to see him die a week later.
   I'm also heartily sick of hearing about terrorist attacks on innocent people. London, Paris and London again.
   Basically. I'm sick of all the bullshit
   'Nuff said.