Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Catching Up

  And boy! There are a few things on the old Ratbag Radar. Unless you've been off-planet, you'll know the U.S and North Korea are in a huge pissing match. Kim Jong Un (Sum Dum Fuk) is threatening South Korea, Japan and the U.S with a nuclear strike, unless the U.S backs down on all the rhetoric. Far from doing that, The Donald is ratcheting it up even further. Recently, he said a carrier strike force was steaming toward the North, and would use "all options" in dealing with another missile launch or nuke test.
   In fact, here's an action shot of that group:
   No, it's not a stealth carrier group. It's open ocean. The Donald did have a task force in the area. Just not the Sea of Japan. So where were the ships? 35 hundred miles away in the Indian Ocean or something?
   Actually, yeah. It was. Seems the U.S Navy posted a picture of the USS Carl Vinson steaming through the Sunda Strait in Indonesia, far from where the White House had placed it—a case of the government failing to take simple steps to cover its own tracks.
   But that's not the only royal fuck-up. 'Lil Kim and the North were celebrating the 105th birthday of founding dictator Kim Il Sung this past weekend, and Sum Dum Fuk wanted it to end with a bang. Which it did. Seems they had a long range missile they wanted to launch. but Kim's mizzle fizzled. They got it up, but it went off very quickly before operating correctly. Something Kim's wife is probably used to in the bedroom (wink wink).

   In another part of the world (and another conflict) the U.S used a MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs) on some cave dwelling ISIL or Taliban troglodytes. It's one motherfucker of a bomb, too, with a blast yield of 11 tons, which is more than enough to ruin your day. It's a deep penetration device, and (unlike Kim's missile) it went off as planned.
  One big problem. The fucking thing's so big, it has to be dropped from a cargo aircraft. Which is fine if you're in an area like Afghanistan, where the current rulers are (supposedly) your friends. And the enemy doesn't have effective radar or anti aircraft systems. Which North Korea does
   Which means it's pretty much useless going after missile facilities or nuclear sites. In all this, China is a major player, and I hope they can give 'Lil Kim some "quiet time", and defuse the whole she-bang before we all go BANG
   'Nuff said

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

This Isn't Funny (But It Kinda Is)

   A 42 year old guy in Denver died after taking part in an eating competition. I know that ain't funny, but he was trying to scarf back a 1/2 pound donut in 80 seconds. That's about the same size as a small cake. Apparently, people who can chomp down the donut get it free (whoopee), AND a button saying they won the challenge (double whoopee).
   I've been known to pack away some of those delicious treats myself (anyone who sees my ample gut will be able to attest), but even I couldn't pack away a half-pounder. Anyway, our fella apparently got a piece of it stuck in his windpipe, with the predictable (and unfortunately for him) fatal result.
   And he's not the only one to succumb to a self-induced eating death. Earlier this week, a 20 year old woman died after a pancake eating competition. She'd gotten through 4 of the 5 'cakes in the stack, and started to choke on one. She was rushed to hospital, but died a few days later.
   I remember hearing a few years back about a guy who choked to death at a chicken wing competition. Again, not really funny if you look at it. But deep down inside, you may get the hint of a chuckle.
   'Nuff said.