Monday, March 6, 2017

I Must Be Going Soft

   The keen edge has definitely been blunted lately. Regular viewers will know I'm a rampant atheist, with a healthy dislike for anything religious. So it was just as surprising to me as it might be for you to know that I recently had some group doorbell ringing in my neighbourhood. Rather that a snide comment, unintended prank or belligerent bellow to "PISS OFF", I was unnaturally calm and cool with this invader of my sanctity.
   When I answered the door (secretly wishing I hadn't), I was greeted with the usual "have you come to know god", with the assurance that their particular cult was willing to help me find him. I simply asked "which god are you talking about", which was greeted with the ubiquitous "the only god". I asked again "which one", but before they could answer, I amended the question to "which version". A puzzled look later, I explained " which of the 3 versions are you talking about. Yaweeh, Jehovah or Allah."
   I went on to say that if they were talking about the old testament god, he'd be the one that demands ritualized genital mutilation of all male children. The same one that demands genocide, fratricide, infanticide and seems obsessed with animal abuse.
   I then said if they were talking about the new testament god, he'd be the one that orders followers to worship his "son" (more likely the result of a rape by a Roman soldier), or go to hell. I also said if I was to go to hell, could I have a choice of which one please? Another puzzled look later, and I explained there were several "hells on earth". One in Michigan, one in the Cayman Islands, and one just outside Trondheim, Norway which has an interesting sign on a building:
   Very loosely translated, it means "goods handler".
   I then asked if the meant the Muslim version, which (to the best of my understanding) rewards followers who die as martyr's fighting the unbeliever with 72 virgins. (My knowledge of Islam being very, very poor.)
   After that diatribe, I think they had enough, and promptly walked away into the sunset. Maybe I haven't lost my edge after all.
   But this also brings up another issue. And that's people who use the interweb and social media to post endless drivel about their religion. I've said in the past that of you want to believe in that nonsense, go ahead. Just don't bother me with it. And the same applies in the electronic age. I know I'm now shaking my fist at the clouds, metaphorically, but the internet isn't a church, and social media isn't your personal pulpit. Please scale back on the religious posts, shares, etc. I promise I will keep my atheistic rants to a fairly low level. Aside from this one.
   Rant Over:
   'Nuff said