Thursday, June 9, 2016

Still Alive

   Yes, I am still here and kicking. It's been almost 7 months since my last post (The Last Post..For Now) back last October, and I figured I'd check back in with an update on something I've blogged about in the past. And while I'm still alive, the same can't be said for the guy in the photo above. He's former, now deceased, senator Rod Zimmer, and a few years back he caused quite a stir.
   It's over the woman in the picture. She's not his grand-daughter, although she's young enough to be. She's not his daughter, either. That, in fact, is his now widow, Maygan Sensenberger. She's 46 years his junior. When they got married she was 22, he was 68. He died this week at age 73, cause unknown (although I think it might have been Viagra poisoning). They both made headlines about 4 years ago when she (allegedly) threatened to kill him while they were on a flight from Ottawa. If you want to know the gory details, do s Wiki search.
   She's a so-called 'actress', who was in a very low budget film where she played (if memory serves) a robotic sex toy. Which probably didn't require a whole lot of acting on her part. A lot of folks also called her a gold-digger for marrying the old geezer, so she could grab his pension and benefits when he kicked the bucket. Dunno if that's true or not, but that's what some were saying.
   Anyway, R.I.P Rod. At least you got your end away.
   As for me, well..check back in from time to time. You never know when I'll pop up.
   'Nuff said. (For now)