Sunday, March 30, 2014

It's Been A While

   In fact, it's been nearly 2 months since I've been able to post anything. And it's been due to a computer fuck-up. I have had sporadic internet service on my system, sometimes it runs, most of the time it hasn't. I've had it in to professionals to look at, trying to find out what was wrong. I've had diagnostics run trying to find out why my internet didn't work, while another computer less than 10 feet away hooked up to the same service port does.
   I've even talked to high end I-T people I know for a solution as to why one gets connected and the other don't. And it turns out the solution was simple. So simple, in fact, that I made the repair myself! It was a faulty ethetnet card. A 20 dollar fix. After I spent a couple hundred finding out there was nothing else wrong in the first place.
   So, dear readers, this means I'm back, and I'll have lots to say in the future. But for now:
   'Nuff said.