Friday, February 7, 2014

That Took Fucking Long Enough!

   It certainly did. Been having 'issues' getting on-line, having recently moved. My service provider told me he couldn't run connection cables from the modem to my computer (which I still think is CRAP), and I tried using a wireless unit. What a fucking farce! I must've installed and uninstalled the fucking software half a dozen times. And nothing. And it's not like the router is hundreds of feet away, either. It's only about 15. But could I get a connection? Could I fuck as like. And try accessing the help line! Good luck. I was on "ignore" for a good 15-20 minutes before I said 'enough' and went out and got a fucking cable and just ran it. Which I admit I should've done in the first place.
   But anyway, I'm back, in a new location, and ready to blog again!
   'Nuff said (for now).